Our platform
You can find everything we do for you in one convenient place. With our digital platform, MyHR, you have easy access to insights, management reports and documents you may need. Here you’ll find expense reports, sector pay, layover information and per diems for every individual. You’ll be able to see everything you need to know at a glance in convenient monthly overviews for each professional.
You can manage your entire workforce on our platform, whether they are contracted by Confair or yourself. Your staff can use our platform to declare business expenses, manage vacation days and get alerts when their documents are close to expiring. MyHR can be fully integrated in your organisation by incorporating logo and colours.

We can take over the entire onboarding process of your new staff. We take over the communication and make sure your new staff member is prepared for their first workday.
One on one contact
We value our partners and are fully dedicated to supporting you to reach your goals. If you run into an issue, we’re always ready to assist you and find a solution together. Thanks to our flat organisational structure, you’ll get to know our team and our team gets to know you.